What Billion Dollar, Militarized, Nano-Bio-Tech Industry?
Mapping the Biosphere-Bloodstream Connection - Denial is No Defense
A Review by James Heddle and Mary Beth Brangan - EON
NANO - A Synoptic Perspective
Building on and extending the work of Elana Freeland's, books The Geoengineered Transhuman and Under an Ionized Sky, as well as that of atmospheric scientist Clifford Carmicom, and Dr. Hildegarde Staninger, Dr. Anna Mihalcea has published a two-volume work entitled TransHuman – The Real COVID 19 Agenda.
The books summarize in detail the evidence documented in her dark-field microscopy research and confirmed by similar research of many others around the world:
Both aerosol spraying in the global atmosphere and injection by syringe needle in the arms of the global population are being used as ‘delivery systems’ for bioengineered nanoparticles that are self-assembling, self-replicating and self-spreading, and can function as receivers and transmitters for electromagnetic signals, thus making our cells subject to manipulations by external actors via the global wireless 5G network.
As explained in the books’ introduction,
“Through technologies like smart dust, nanotechnology, and biotechnological implants, the Al would track and influence human thoughts, emotions, and even subconscious desires. Humans would become "nodes" in this vast network, providing constant data feedback to the system, which would, in tum, adjust its governance strategies in realtime….”
Obvious nonsense? We believe that those poo-poo-ing such widespread findings without examining the voluminous available evidence supporting them, do so at their own personal risk.
Such ‘self-assembling, hydrogel, and biosensing quantum dot structures’ are now being found via electro-microscopic analysis in increasing numbers in blood samples from populations around the world.
On the basis of her extensive research and analysis of a wide range of blood samples and of ‘vaccine’ products’ content, Dr. Mihalcea writes,
“… we find consistency in the self-assembly of classical filaments we see in the blood, with some quantum dots in these ‘vaccines’ also captured on film. All vaccines are contributing to humanity's blood contamination with these self-assembling, hydrogel, and biosensing quantum dot structures.
“As a physician, I am horrified by this information. I want everyone in the world to see this; this is not normal. There is undeniable evidence. This is the transhumanist AI agenda in full force. The so-called "vaccines" must be stopped. This is being injected into children and good people who know nothing about the diabolical agenda behind the shots. There is so much irrefutable information now, and all those responsible need to be held accountable. Read this book again. Look at the images. The COVID 19 bioweapon and other "vaccines" were injected into 68% of the world population….”
Providing the Big Picture
The Introduction to Dr. Mihalcea’s 2-volume work TransHuman – The real COVID 19 Agenda is titled The Big Picture – The Posthuman and Transhuman Future and the New World of AI. It is written by a seemingly unlikely ally; global establishment insider His Royal Highness Prince Alfred of Liechtenstein.
According to his Organizational Bio,
“HSH Prince Alfred of Liechtenstein is Chairman of the Advisory Board of the International Peace Foundation in Vienna. He received his Master Degree in Computer Science and Economics at the University of Vienna where he also studied political science, systems theory, cybernetics, biology, philosophy and artificial intelligence. Since 1976 Prince Alfred is Chairman, CEO and Board Member in different companies in the field of engineering, investment, trading, banking and consulting. He is also actively involved in various not-for-profit organizations, among others, as President and Co-Founder of the Vienna Academy for the Study of the Future, Chairman of the Society of Founders of the International Peace University, Board Member of Search for Common Ground, Member of the Honorary Board of the UN-Global Youth Forum, Member of the International Academy of Science and Fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science. He published the books 'Management by Evolution' and 'Internet, the Public and Democracy' and received the International Albert Schweitzer Humanitarian Award in 1990 in New York….”
Here are two brief excerpts from Prince Alfred’s Introduction:
AI as the Ultimate Governance Mechanism
As transhumanist and posthumanist ideals gain traction, they paint a picture of a future where humanity is deeply intertwined with technology, and society is radically transformed by the rise of artificial intelligence (Al). At the core of this transformation is the belief that intelligent machines, specifically AI, can govern society more efficiently, equitably, and rationally than humans ever could. This vision implies a new world order, where human beings relinquish traditional forms of leadership and decision-making to the superior computation al power of AI.
AI as the Ultimate Governance Mechanism
In this hypothetical future, a super intelligent AI system governs the planet, optimizing every aspect of human life-from economies and healthcare to social interactions and environmental management. This AI does not merely assist in decision-making but replaces human governance entirely, as it is seen as a more rational ·and unbiased actor. Traditional human roles like politicians, managers, and even educators are reduced to mere executors of the Al 's directives. The AI is tasked with balancing competing hum an interests and optimizing outcomes for the collective good based on vast datasets and predictive algorithms.
This super-AI would not be a single entity but a network of interconnected AI systems, monitoring and managing every facet of human existence….
… Conclusion - The Posthuman Destiny
As we stand on the brink of an era defined by AI, biotechnology, and human enhancement, the visions of transhumanism and posthumanism present us with both a promise and a peril. The promise [sic] is that we can transcend the frailties of human existence---0vercome disease, death, and cognitive limitations and create a society of unparalleled progress and well-being. The peril, however, is that in doing so, we may lose the very essence of what i t means to be human.
Will we embrace the posthuman future as a natural evolution of human potential, or will we resist it in favor of more traditional notions of identity, autonomy, and spirituality? As the lines between human and machine, biology and technology blur, the coming decades will force us to grapple with these questions and determine the course of human destiny.
This is the context in which Dr. Mihalcea’s work and that of other COVOD-19 whistleblowers must be understood.
But Here’s the Good News
Dr. Mihalcea concludes her second volume with protocols for combatting the effects of this mass assault on our health.
Her research also includes a way to eradicate these synthetic nano technologies. It is based on information contained in the Moderna inoculation patent itself.
If we choose, we can all avail ourselves of the benefits of her discoveries.
Dr. Mihalcea urges, “My heart goes out to those who have this in their body. Do something, share it, speak up. Save humanity. Thank you.”
This post is our response to her urging.
For those interested, here is a link to an in depth interview that includes the spiritual aspects of this issue: https://www.ramtha.com/krse/episodes/krse-episode-ana.aspx
Additional Links and Resources
Dr. Mihalcea's Clinic - Bringing Light Back Into Your World
TransHuman is a two-volume collection of research performed by Dr. Ana Mihalcea and scientists from around the world into the COVID 19 injections and the self-assembling nanotechnology that was found. Alarming live blood changes have been observed in humanity's blood since the roll out of the COVID 19 injections.
Purchase books here:
View Dr. Mihalcea's Presentation on Light Medicine: Arthemasophia Publishing
Purchase books here:
Humanity United Now - Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - On SubStack
Mary Beth Brangan and James Heddle co-direct EON, the Ecological Options Network.
The multi-award winning EON feature documentary SOS – The San Onofre Syndrome: Nuclear Power’s Legacy, was chosen as the opening film in the 13th annual Global Nonviolent Film Festival, where it also received the Organizers’ Award for ‘BEST ACTUALITY SUBJECT – Feature Documentary’.
SOS has won awards in several other international festivals, and is available for viewing worldwide. The film was produced by Mary Beth Brangan and directed by Brangan, Heddle, and Morgan Peterson, who also served as editor. SOS is a transgenerational family co-creation of two senior filmmakers and a millennial mom with two young daughters. For information, please visit the SOS website.
Thanks for sharing this review. Dr. Gregg Braden has written a book called Pure Human - The Hidden Truth of our Divinity, Power, and Destiny. I haven't read it, but I saw an interview on the Danny Jones Podcast which was very informative. The powers that shouldn't be distract the world with a constant stream of media stories while their evil deeds are hidden in the shadows.