In the Kingdom of the Mad the Sane are the Subversives - Updated
How Delusion (Temporarily?) Disabled Democracy Down Under

“This was an American inspired fiasco with worldwide implications, and it was the rampant corruption of the American public health and regulatory systems, American based companies such as Pfizer and Americans themselves, including most infamously Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci and Mark Zuckerberg, who had manipulated the narrative and inflicted this harm on populations worldwide.” – Frank Chung – News Limited, Australia
“This massive edifice of evil was too complex, and really, too elegant, to assign to just human awfulness and human inventiveness. It suggested a spiritual dimension of evil. This evil was like a giant cultural spaceship which landed on Earth, with a technology to unfold and almost at once to set foot upon the egalitarian, post-enlightenment West a global dystopia run on cruelty and cognitive dissonance. How could otherwise nice people have come to do such evil?” – Naomi Wolf - The Bodies of Others
“Everybody knows the boat is leaking. Everybody knows that the captain lied.” – Leonard Cohen – Everybody Knows
By James Heddle - EON
Institutionalizing Amnesia
Somehow the once seemingly growing widespread public awareness is fading that, not only has a monstrous crime been committed against humanity, but that it continues.
That amnesia was epitomized in the panicky attempts by Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and others, in a recent U.S. Congressional hearing on censorship, to censor Robert Kennedy’s testimony on, well, censorship. One official actually argued that the constitutional guarantee of freedom of speech does not apply to Kennedy.
The psyop-induced mass madness that gripped governments and populations worldwide for the last three years seems to be in the process of being institutionalized.
Today, in the post-Covid aftermath, truth tellers like candidate Kennedy seem to be more publically reviled and persecuted than those who committed the documented crimes. The prevailing mindset seems to be to forgive and forget – to the great advantage of the perpetrators. Don’t stand them shackled in the dock before a tribunal to be held accountable for their crimes. Don’t extra-judicially chase them down the street and hang them from lampposts (to quote the elder Bush’s evocative phrase). Let’s just move on to be bamboozled by the next psyop from Information Warfare Central.
A Book for Our Times
An effective antidote to the process of normalizing amnesia is Aussie author John Stapleton’s new book Australia Comes Apart, A Sense of Place Publishing, 2023. His narrative of Australia as a microcosm of transnational Covid madness gives us a frightening distant reflection and reminder of our own recent past.
Stapleton is a distinguished Australian news reporter who has worked on his country’s major news outlets for over a quarter of a century, and now edits his own magazine, A Sense of Place.
The innovative narrative style of his fast-moving, meticulously researched book uses an alter ego, Old Alex, as a commentator on the events as they unfold.
A Template of Madness
Viewed in isolation, the government measures Stapleton reports being imposed on Australia’s population have an aura of total official madness. But the point is, it was madness following a pattern replicated with striking, even uncanny uniformity across many countries:
· Restriction of movement; confinement – virtual imprisonment - of people in their own homes; prohibition of public gatherings
· Isolation of the sick and elderly, who were left to die alone without contact with loved ones
· Disruption of education with compulsory masking and ‘social distancing,’ constituting collective psychological abuse of children
· Destruction of small businesses and the middle class; impoverishment and dispossession of the working class
· Coercive pressures to submit to experimental and toxic injections or forfeit employment
· Habituation to uncritical and reflexive compliance to authority
· Induced fear and hatred toward dissenters, often resulting in violent assaults against them by police, military, or fellow civilians.
Remembering the Shot Lies Heard ‘Round the World
A centerpiece of Stapleton’s barrage of bombshell revelations is an October 2022 video released by European Parliament Member Rob Roos - which is, amazingly, still available on YouTube.
In it Pfizer executive Janine Small responds to a direct yes-or-no question from MP Roos as to whether or not the Pfizer Covid ‘vaccine’ was “tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market?”
“No,” Small replies. “We had to really move at the speed of science to understand what is taking place in the market. We had to do everything at risk.”
“No,” she says. Yet the lie repeatedly on the lips of officials, ‘experts,’ and celebrity meatpuppets around the world was ( and for some, still is ), “Tests prove conclusively that the shots are safe and effective.”
Stapleton comments, “And what made it even worse was that they did it to their own people, with everyone in the military and the public service, police, teachers, nurses, rescue workers, all were obliged to get ‘the jab’ or lose their jobs.”
But resistance from millions of individual sane subversives from all walks of life has fed public dubiety and cognitive hesitancy and the barrage of authoritarian diktats has abated, at least for a while.
So now even Bill Gates - arguably global uber puppet master of the universal Covid response, who made millions from his vaccine investments and other financial maneuvers during lockdowns, and the controlled demolition of the economic system – admits that ‘the vaccines don’t work.’
In a speech to Australia’s Lowry Institute, that got worldwide coverage before disappearing down the media memory hole, he had this to say,
“We also need to fix the three problems of vaccines. The current vaccines are not infection blocking, they’re not broad, so new variants come up and you lose protection, and they have very short duration.” That’s Bill’s way of saying, “Aw, well, OK, the jabs don’t work.”
But, what if preventing infection and transmission wasn’t their real purpose?
What if the inoculations did, in fact work just fine for the multiple real purposes for which they were actually designed?:
· Habituating terrorized populations to mindless obedience;
· Serving as surreptitious delivery vehicles for mass genomic modification;
· The implantation of nano-particle-based ‘remote operating system’ for population control;
· Introduction of toxic substances aimed at impairing fertility and sperm production, reducing public health levels, neurological functioning, intelligence and facilitating slow motion population reduction by boosting ‘excess deaths’ and increasing general debility and ‘loss-of-function’ in the surviving population.
Stapleton’s excellent, indispensable book provides the basis for asking these hard, subversive questions, even if it does not directory confront them.
He quotes at length the revelations of the international team of expert volunteer researchers assembled by Naomi Wolff and the Daily Clout team.
"You will see that the 50 reports document what may be a massive crime against humanity. You will see that Pfizer knew, as it appears, that the mRNA vaccines did not work. You will see that the ingredients, including lipid nanoparticles, in the mRNA injections bio-distributed throughout the body in a couple of days, accumulating in the liver, adrenals, spleen -and ovaries.
"You will see that Pfizer and the FDA knew that the injections damaged the hearts of minors -and yet waited months to inform the public. You will see that Pfizer sought to hire over a thousand new staffers simply to manage the flood of 'adverse events' reports that they were receiving and that they anticipated receiving.
"You will see that 61 people died of stroke -half of the stroke adverse events being within a couple of days after injection -and that five people died of liver damage with, again, many of the liver damage adverse events sustained shortly after the injection. You will see neurological events, cardiac events, strokes, brain hemorrhages , and blood clots, lung clots and leg clots at massive scale.
"You will see that headaches, joint pain, and muscle pain are ram pant as adverse events, though these are not disclosed as routine side effect warnings by our agencies.
"Most seriously of all, you will see a 360-degree attack on human reproductive capability: with harms to sperm count, testes, sperm motility; harms to ovaries, menstrual cycles, placentas; you will see that over 80 per cent of the pregnancies in one section of the Pfizer documents ended in spontaneous abortion or miscarriage.
"You will see that 72 per cent of the adverse events in one section of the documents were in women, and that 16 percent of those were "reproduc tive disorders," in Pfizer's own words. You will see a dozen or more names for the ruination of the menstrual cycles of women and teenage girls.
"History has not yet concluded its assessment of what Pfizer has done. We are at the very start of that assessment."
Democracy Resurgent Down Under?
The encouraging take away of Stapleton’s book is that democracy Down Under was sorely wounded, but not terminally destroyed by the Covid Gambit.
Stapleton reports on a visit this year to Australia – one of the world’s most vaxxed countries - by notorious U.S. .truth tellers Dr. Robert McCullough and commentator John Leake.
The persistently outspoken McCullough says unequivocally that “The vaccines should be taken off the market. This is a worldwide crisis.the emergency now is this massive number of patients suffering injury, disabilities and death after mass vaccination. The next person who dies unexpectedly with no anteceding illness and there’s no other explanation, it is the vaccine until proven otherwise.”
Author John Leake was encouraged by what they found in their tour. “Our tour taught us that many Australians still care about their constitutional protections and liberties. Our fear that everyone Down Under is suffering from Stockholm Syndrome was completely unfounded.”
Resistance is fertile.
Concluding Unscientific Postscript
(To borrow a phrase from Kierkegaard)
However informed dissent may still have its hands full in Australia -’maskerbating’ continues in some pockets.
OffGuardian’s Kit Knightly references an article in Australia’s Herald Sun reporting that “the Australian state of Victoria may be considering “permanent” facemask mandates to achieve “zero-Covid”.
This, despite multiple meta-studies agreeing that not only do masks not protect against infection or transmission, but they are harmful in a number of physiological, psydological and sociocultural ways. (Rebreathing your own bacteria and reducing the ozigen supply to your brain, thus killing brain cells, are just two of the obvious harms caused.)
Knightly goes on to say, “The ‘study’ which claims to demonstrate the benefits of permanent masking was published in the Medical Journal of Australia last week and titled “Consistent mask use and SARS‐CoV‐2 epidemiology: a simulation modelling study”.
A close look at the ‘study’ reveals that it is based - like Nial Ferguson’s infamous Covid Death Toll ‘study’ - on a computer model. Essentially it was another case of ‘GiGo;” gargage in-garbage out. The computer was told to assume that masks work and then asked what would happen if everybody was required to wear them. Gee, wiz - ‘Zero Covid.’
Knightly concludes,
“What we have here is not “science” it’s a computer model based on the results of a subjective phone survey conducted by a government agency with a vested interest. It is entirely meaningless, and yet is published in journals and cited by “experts”, perhaps even used as the basis of introducing new laws.”
The attempted Covid Con continues.
James Heddle Co-Directs EON, the Ecological Options Network with Mary Beth Brangan. The EON feature documentary S.O.S. - The San Onofre Syndrome - Nuclear Power’s Legacy will be released later this year.